Gain Insight Before Investing
Access healthcare data to carefully examine the costs associated with a company’s second-highest expense before investing.
Paw, Yeah!

Predict Risk to Protect Your Investment
Gain valuable insights into the true healthcare costs of a company before you make the decision to invest.
Access Total Transparency
Get a crystal clear view of the healthcare data that small businesses can’t gain access to on their own.
Paint a Predictive Picture
Use the risk stratification capabilities of Rover AI to assess the potential risk of rising healthcare costs within a company’s group.
Calculate and Compare
Use data to determine if a move from fully-insured to self-funded healthcare coverage could positively impact a company’s bottom line.
Make Informed Recommendations
Better prepare yourself to make informed suggestions about healthcare spend within a company you’re considering investing in.
Remove the Guesswork from Your Investment

Because major healthcare providers aren’t obligated to provide benefit insights to small businesses, they don’t. This can create blindspots into healthcare costs, which can leave your investment vulnerable. With the Rover AI Platform, you can gain full insights into costs, medical spend, and predictive analytics that paint the full picture of a small business’ second-highest investment.
Think Bigger, Spend Smarter
Fetch & Retrieve
See real time group member data fetched by our Retriever technology from major fully-insured carriers including BlueCross BlueShield, United, Cigna, Aetna, and more. Gain access to the data small businesses can’t obtain on their own.
Analyze & Assess
With WatchDog Analytics, gain access to an extensive range of reports including EOB and claims data, Rx spend, Medical Spend Per Year, and more. Utilize our best-in-breed risk stratification tool to predict the onset of chronic conditions, so you can assess risk of increased healthcare costs.
Make A More Informed Decision
With transparency on your side, you can better make an informed decision about the effect healthcare costs may have on a company you’re considering investing in.